In quest of water - Ediki-Mbonge, Cameroon

Recognition of Certificates seminar

The community is involved in the water project- Ediki-Mbonge, Cameroon

Youth Empowerment Forum

Youth Empowerment Forum

Youth learn programming with Scratch

Youth learn programming with Scratch

Empowering kids through Football

Youth Empowerment Forum

Youth learn programming Apps

Youth learn programming Apps

Youth learn programming Apps


Youth learn programming with Calliope mini

With German president, Gauck

Ensuring clean water at home

We are providing drinking water in Ediki-Mbonge

Zunkunftscharta Berlin, in discussion with Kanzleramt Chef and refugee coordinator, Altmeier

We empower the kids in Kumba through sports

We promote understanding through sports

Zukunfstcharta, presenting the goals

Listening to German chancellor, Angela Merkel

In Ulm to award engaged persons

Meet and Code 2017 - Essen

Meet and Code 2017 - Essen